Monday, November 19, 2007

Guardian Survey : Explaination

The prefects' board conduct a survey on 1st week of November. Almost all prefects joined the survey (9 prefects do not turned out for survey(including prefects from 6RS2))
The purpose of the survey is to identify, define, solve the problems, and thus, prevent it from happening again.

Prefects were answering the question

"Hmm, what should I write"

"Next question, do you think ............"

During the survey, many questions and problems were raised. These questions and problems were brought to the Executive Meeting on 3/11/2007(Saturday) to be discussed . During the meeting, we defined, identified, and come out with solutions to solve and ways to prevent the problems from happening.

Here are some major problems:
Student always eat in class . do not
obey orders from the prefects
1.1.Prefects could write their name and class and pass it to the Exco.
2.2.Normally, the whole class will go for KK if more than 5 students eat in class.
Prefects has not enough time to eat
during recess time
1.1.The prefects board would extend the recess time for prefects to 10:05am.
2.2.Only the prefects who work during recess can do so.
Teacher complain prefects of being
late for class
1.1.The teachers will be told about the jobs of prefects.
2.2.All prefects are suppose to be in class by the latest 7:25am and 10:10am. Failure to do so will be marked late by teachers.
Canteen do not prepare food in time
1. Will ask school canteen to prepare the food earlier so prefects could buy it.
Students are late for K.K
1. AJK bloc A,B and C will help to ask the class to go for KK .
2.If the students are late for K.K, that class will have to redo the K.K the next day.

And there are a few problems that were raised by a number of prefects:
1. Some prefects are not working (late, bad attitude), yet the prefects' board has done nothing on them
I personally take this issue seriously . Soon after I found out who are they, I meet them personally with the Prefect Internal Affairs(to find out what did I do to them, ask Prefects Internal Affair). I also gave an order so that prefect who are late or do not turn out for duty more than 4 times in a month to meet me and Internal Affairs personally.

2. Too many activities, some activities are not well organized
I have to admit there are some activities this year. Activities are held in order to equip prefects with the organizing skill. Organizing and managing activities take time ,and commitment from the organizers.Through activities, we learned to know each other, enabling us to learn together, to share together, to work together, and We Will Succeed Together. Some activities are not well organize, but that doesn't stop,or discouraged us to keep going. We learned from mistakes, and move on. It is good to make mistakes when you are young so that you don't repeat it again in the future.

3. "I think blue tags have done little......"
I am not surprise when I come across this statement . Most of my assistants are shy person. They prefer to act quietly,instead of telling prefects what they are doing. Becoming my assistant is not an easy task. They have to attend cabinet meeting every week (Thursday, during recess). During the meeting, I will discuss with them about the problems we have, and how to prevent it.In that meeting, I will check their attendance, their jobs and so on. For an example, if a sport check or an activity are not well organized, I will start questioning Prefects Operation Directorate , why they fail to monitor and to act in order to fix and prevent the problems. To make it simple to understand, when problems happen, I do not look for the person who caused the problems, instead, I will look for my assistant. They are also the person who implement the order given from the head prefect and the teachers as well. I have to say, I am proud of my assistants, they are efficient, and a great helper. Of course, I am proud of my prefects as well, as they have shown me their determination, courage and wisdom.
Min Huang

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